Upload Files | Harris Design and Print


Let's get your project started!

File Types

We prefer PDF and TIF, however, we accept industry standard files such as: JPG, EPS, PDF, PS, PSD, and AI

Photoshop Setup

  • Make sure your file is correct size and resolution (150 – 300DPI at full size)
  • Make sure all black levels are equal
  • Save as .TIF with LZW compression (Helps reduce file size, without compromising quality)
  • Illustrator/Coreldraw/Indesign Setup

  • Convert fonts to outlines
  • Art can be in RGB, CMYK or spot colors
  • Make sure all black levels are equal
  • Embed or attach linked images or fonts. (If needed)
  • Save file as an Eps
  • Additional Information

    If files are not print ready, (low resolution, missing fonts, incorrect format) we’ll let you know so you can resubmit the file. If we need to fix the files, there will be a design charge of $95 per hour(15 min minimum) Color proofs are available for $25 each (small print and full size strip of one selection of print)



    745 River Ave Ste C, Eugene